Our Purpose
Repatriation (from Late Latin repatriatre) – to go home again: to restore or return to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship.
The purpose of the First Nations Repatriation Institute is to create a resource for First Nations people impacted by foster care or adoption to return home, reconnect, and reclaim their identity. The Institute also serves as a resource to enhance the knowledge and skills of practitioners who serve First Nations people.
The purpose of the Institute is to:
First Nations Adoptees with other First Nations Adoptees.
First Nations peoples in search of relatives during family reunification.
The emotional, physical, and spiritual health of all adoptees/fostered individuals, their families, and communities in accordance with First Nations peoples traditional spiritual heritage.
First Nations Adoptees with tribal enrollment.
Consultation and education to social service providers and mental health care providers and the legal system in the cultural traditions and values of First Nations people.